Sergeant Andrew Irick
Sergeant Andrew Irick has been a member of the Fort Wayne Police Department since 1997. During that time, he has worked in the Detective Bureau, as well as working on a special enforcement plain clothes unit. Sergeant Irick joined the Fort Wayne Police Department’s Crisis Response Team (CRT) in 2005, and has participated in hundreds of real world deployments, and assisted with several training scenarios. Sergeant Irick became the CRT Team Commander in January, 2022, and is currently assigned as a patrol supervisor on second shift in the Northwest Division.
Teen in Crisis
On January 04, 2020 Hunter Schubert’s mom and sister drove Hunter to the Fort Wayne International Airport to fly back to his dad in Arizona. When Hunter didn’t make it inside the airport for his flight his mom and sister went out to the car and observed Hunter In the back seat with a gun […]